Have you ever had a craving for something really naughty?
I sometimes crave pancakes like there's no tomorrow. That soft fluffy middle paired with the crisp outer layer covered in maple syrup and lashings of butter.
If you're like me you might over indulge sometimes and then feel the guilt afterwards. So here's a healthy little recipe I came up with recently. An alternative to the naughty pancake. I give you my.....
clean super-crepes!
They are just 128 calories, only have 18g of sugar AND are packed with 10g of protein per serve!
Recipe (serves 2)
coconut oil
3 egg whites
1 large whole egg
2 TSP Natvia
1 TBSP Ground Cinnamon
2 TSP Vanilla
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
4TBSP Organic Blueberry Yoghurt
Mixed fruit (I picked apple, blueberry, strawberry and melon)
1. Whisk together the egg whites and egg
2. Add the Natvia, cinnamon, vanilla and almond milk to the eggs
3. Heat a pan with a little coconut oil
4. Pour in the egg mixture.... you can make the crepes as thick or as thin as you like
5. Flip!
6. Place the crepes on plates and fill with a little yoghurt and mixed fruit.
7. Roll up the crepe and top with the remaining fruit and yoghurt.
If you're feeling especially naughty add a little honey, nuts and cinnamon on top.

I have been ridiculously busy recently as I just started a new job - yay!
It is for a great company that is ever-expanding and has offices all over Australia. I'm currently in week two and loving it. Everyone is ridiculously friendly and I think it's somewhere I could really imagine working for a long time.
The boy and I also found a house which we move into this Friday. We are obviously delirious with excitement as we've never had our own place to decorate and fill with our own memories.
Two days and counting.